Vordr Overview of Services
Personal Safety, Breakaway & Self Defence training in Luton, Self defence courses in Luton, Self Defence Training Courses in Bedfordshire. For Companies, Organisations, Authorities and Private Individuals
The Need
Following Risk & Threat assessments (which we can provide, along with site security surveys if required) many companies realise the need for Personal Safety/ Breakaway/ Self Defence skills for their staff.
Members of the public also feel the same in this day and age. The reasons are many but can include:
Workplace violence
Business travel
Holidays & Adventures
Gap years
Walking around town and socialising includes a certain amount of risk because of corrosive substance attacks, knife attacks, moped gangs, or terrorism, and at home due to domestic violence, burglary, racism, and sexual offences.
Considerations from the UK national office of statistics, Police & Press:
violent crime up 13%
Knife crime is up 4% (up 70% in 10 years!)
robbery up 8% (with knifes up 13%)
Gun crime is up 6%